TAKING SIDES A new artists book of text and image by Karl Baden Photos & text; 105 pp; 9"h x 6"w; wraps, 1st printing of 100 copies + 18 A.P & H.C. TAKING SIDES is both a personal document and real-time account of Boston's bout with Neo-Nazis and white nationalists on August 19, 2017. Photographed in a period of four and a half hours, it is an event-based observation on the supreme importance and perils of First Amendment free speech . From the book description: "TAKING SIDES begins in 1977, and a remembrance of the infamous attempt by Neo Nazis to march in Skokie, Illinois (At the time, Baden was living in Chicago, only a few miles away), then jumps 40 years ahead, to the rally and counter-protest on Boston's Common, and ends the next day, at the same location, with an unexpected and sobering encounter. Everything comes at a cost." Price: $40 USD + $8 shipping To purchase copies: email badenk@gmail.com Sample Pag...
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